Jun 08
Recovering or Changing Your MySQL Root Password
There are times when you may have to recover the MySQL root password because it was either forgotten or misplaced. The steps you need are:
1. Stop MySQL
[root@idoumo tmp]# service mysqld stop
Stopping MySQL: [ OK ]
2. Start MySQL in Safe mode with the safe_mysqld command and tell it not to read the grant tables with all the MySQL database passwords.
[root@idoumo tmp]# safe_mysqld –skip-grant-tables &
[root@idoumo tmp]# Starting mysqld daemon with databases from /var/lib/mysql
3. Use the mysqladmin command to reset the root password. In this case, you are setting it to ack33nsaltf1sh.
[root@idoumo tmp]# mysqladmin -u root flush-privileges password “ack33nsaltf1sh”
4. Restart MySQL normally.
[root@idoumo tmp]# service mysqld restart
Stopping MySQL: 040517 09:39:38 mysqld ended [ OK ]
Starting MySQL: [ OK ]
[1]+ Done safe_mysqld –skip-grant-tables
The MySQL root user will now be able to manage MySQL using this new password.
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